Thursday, September 29, 2011

1 Month Old

Righter is officially 4 weeks old today. How I wish I could still be holding my tiny 1 week old baby boy. I make sure I snuggle him and enjoy each moment since I know first hand that they don't last. He is so alert, even strangers notice how he just takes everything in. He is holding his head up pretty well and finding his hands and feet....more about that later.

His official 1 month stats are:

22 inches

He is already 1.5 inches longer than when he was born! Holy cow! This boy is getting tall and skinny.

A little about Miss Kambree:

Kambree loves to suck her thumb. She admits it. She loves to do it in front of me because she knows it makes me crazy. She is also very proud that she thinks she is responsible for teaching Righter to suck his thumb.

This is what she said to me today:

mom, I need you to look that way? Why? I asked.

Because over there there is not a little girl sucking her thumb. I don't want you to see what I am doing.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

End of Summer Update

In some ways I was so sad to see summer end. I love the warm sun, being outside, water, everything green, ice cream...I could go on forever. But the good part of summer coming to an end was that our lives were totally changed for the better.

Of course we got to meet our sweet baby boy on Sept 1. After months of preparation he made a quick entry surrounded by lots of family.

We went from this...

To this.... in just 3 1/2 hours

Righter's stats were: 8.1 lbs | 20.5 in It is funny because everyone thinks that sounds so big but he looks like such a skinny little guy. I don't know where he's hiding all that weight.

So far he is sleeping like a normal newborn, not much at night. He LOVES to snuggle. We aren't sure who he looks like. He has Vandehey in him but we see so much Palmer too. We have found pictures of him and Kambree that look alike too. I guess we'll give him a few months before we decide.

Kambree calls herself his momma.

She insists on being involved in every part of his life, changing diapers, feeding (she tried nursing him once when he was crying), snuggling, holding him (she tells me she is strong enough to hold him and carry him all by herself) and even monitors him while he sleeps. She is a great big sister.

Kyle has been amazing, of course. He is so helpful and thoughtful. I am so lucky to have him. I would never want to be a parent without him.

Kambree got to start pre-school this year. She was soooo excited.
I didn't know how I was going to react when I dropped her off. There were no tears from either of us. Actually, she was most concerned if we were going to be staying or leaving. She wanted us to leave so she could have her 'big kid' time.

She goes 2x per week for 3 hours per day. They do crafts, spanish, music, dancing, reading, it's a full day for her. She comes home exhausted with stories to tell about her new friends and everything she's learning.

We're enjoying these days and I savor every single snuggle and conversation that I get to have with my babies.

Introducing....Righter Joseph

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