Wednesday, March 11, 2009

On the move

Since Kambree is crawling now, she moves all over the house. One of her favorite places to go is to the refrigerator. She likes to play with the letter magnets. She puts parts of them in her mouth and crawls away.

She likes to crawl out of the room really quickly. She will stop, turn to look at me and smile. She waits for me to say something to her and then she will laugh and crawl away as fast as she can. She laughs all the way.

She has been so much fun lately. Her new word is 'momma' It was so fun to hear her say her first word. She says it over and over all day long. I must say I encourage it because I clap and point to myself when she says it. Now we are going to work on 'dada'.


The Boleski Family said...

How cute! Ava likes to give me those smirks too. They know they are up to something. :) All of our letter magnets are under the refrigerator - stuck to the bottom!

Payns said...

Love the picture, that is a keeper. Enjoy this time, before you know it she will be walking. :)