Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

Kambree loved the lights on the Christmas tree and really didn't want to touch anything on it. She was interested in all the colors and designes on the gifts. She would get so excited to look at them. I think I am lucky she can't crawl yet!

We took Kambree to midnight mass, which has been our tradition for years. She did not like having to get out of bed at all. She finally fell asleep during the service. She looked so beautiful in her Christmas dress. She even had a pretty red and black coat to wear with it.

Kambree is so social and loves talking to everyone. I was not worried at all to take her to see Santa. She was fed and just up from a nap, she was going to give mom a great picture with Santa! As soon as we set her in his arms, she cried. We could not believe it. He was so nice and talking to her and playing with way. She didn't like him. Oh well, I guess everyone gets the crying picture of Santa, right!?

Christmas morning was pretty normal for us. Kambree got up around 7:30. She had breakfast and then we showed her all of the things Santa brought. She opened 1 present by herself and that was about enough for her. She was very interested in what was under the wrapping so that was fun. She made out like a little bandit this year. She got lots of clothes and toys. Kyle gave her a care bear that he got just from him. Melissa gave her a jewlery box for all of her jewlery. After everything was opened, she was buried in all the paper and gifts. It was quite a sight. She had so much fun playing with the paper and listening to it crunch in her hands. She had to taste all of her new things. I guess they passed the taste test.

The best part of the day was when we got a special gift from Kambree. She thought of it all by herself and didn't have to spend any of her allowance on it....she gave us a 2 1/2 hour nap. Kyle and I napped right along with her. It was GREAT! What a thoughtful girl. She knew exactly what we needed/wanted for Christmas.


Meet the Bucher's said...

Adorable! It sounds like your Christmas as great! It's so fun to see pictures and see what you guys are up to! Have a good New Years!

Ali Workentin said...

Love that picture of her sleeping! It sounds like you had a wonderful day. We are getting ready to join Brandon, Danalyn, Max and Christopher for dinner at a Sushi/Steak house here in Boise.

Check out my blog for a family update

Have a wonderful New Year!!!

Alice & Ron

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures. What a cute chair that Kambree has. It sure beats stacking up pillows all around them. Sure miss you guys and can't wait to see you at the reunion. I hope that you don't mind but I invited T.J. also. He told me that he should be back in Montana around that time.
Aunt Jo Lyn